GCG intervenes mainly on topics that involve various actors, expertises and services so much “in-house” to the Authority or Company or external. Either CEO, Business Unit Director, Contractor, Program, Projects or Contract Manager, the DECISION-MAKER is located to the interactions centre of its business or project. He is faced to various problems and difficulties at strategic, organisational, commercial, technical, financial and legal levels or related to the subcontracting or lobbying constraints.
GCG helps the DECISION-MAKER according to its need during the key decision steps or in case of critical context. Due to its multidisciplinary expertise, GCG provides both a global vision, and specific expertise on a detailed topic.
GCG brings an immediate operational support on the company area and business. Each mission is adapted to the objectives defined with its customer. GCG makes sure the right know how transfer and the full self-sufficiency of managers at the end of each mission.
Our missions aren’t restricted to the advising deliverable by only recommendations, but also support his customers during the solutions feasibility and implementation up to the results measure. This operational consulting approach allows to guarantee that the solutions is rightly applicable and efficiency. Thanks to their knowledge of field, our consultants lead their missions with a good vision of the feasibility of the solutions and the incurred risks.